Schlagwort: warfare
3000+ Subs !!!
Thank you! I have two presents for you: 1. A video tutorial in how to make a Ghillie Cape (link
Ghillie Suit Tutorial (part 3/3)
Third part of my tutorial. In this part there is a Stalk. Try to find me.
Ghillie Suit Tutorial (Part 2/3)
Second part of my Tutorial.
Ghillie Suit Anleitung (Outtakes)
Die Outtakes von den Dreharbeiten von Ghillie Suit Anleitung. Schon witzig, wie lang man manchmal braucht um einen Satz richtig
Ghillie Suit Tutorial (Part 1/3)
This video is a tutorial to camouflage and ghillie suits. Have fun!
Ghillie Suit Anleitung (Teil3/3)
Teil 3 von Ghillie Suit Anleitung. Weitere Infos gibt’s bei Teil 1.